Monday, March 30, 2009

Activism pre- Internet: Opposing the Vietnam War

The early 60's saw the development of the famous Vietnam War Protests. The most relevant difference separating pre and post Internet activism has been the ability for activists to take onus for their actions, rather than having the politically elite control their message through the news. Protests during the Vietnam War were rarely portrayed in a clear light as mass- media journalists were more intent on finding stories that with their

During the Vietnam protests, mainstream media was prompted to impose their ideological framework through their coverage of the protests as a means for depicting them in an over-simplified and non- representational manner. Protesters who were approached by the media were often characterized very specifically in accordance to the mainstream media agenda.

1. official (protester) sources which were political sources
2. academic sources which comprised of active leaders within the movement and the more astute protesters,
3. authoritative sources which were protesters partaking in violent or what was considered to be more entertaining behaviour (wearing costumes)
4. unknown sources who were protesters without rank.

Stories were then depicted in one of three frames, “Episodic,” “Thematic,” or “Mixed”. Episodic being the entertaining spectacular elements of the protests (celebrities, violence, excitement, etc…), thematic frame was an educated approach to the story (background information, debates, political rhetoric, etc. )

With this evidence alone, we can begin to understand the mediated ideologies of the mass media in the pre- Internet context. Their mandate for providing information was framed in accordance to very specific boundaries set by mass-media elites, rather than reporting stories and events as they occurred, journalists searched for specific stereotyped representatives that fit into the chosen context of their employing media institutions making it impossible for any type of dialogue between citizens and media outlets.

Not only has the Internet provided people with a voice but it has opened the doors to more people. During the 60's and 70's, movements were organized through restrictive communicative tools (flyers, telephone lines and letters); therefore prompting more elite dissent. The majority of protests were organized on campus grounds, creating a class barrier between citizens. Communication was thus restricted to those who could afford it which ended up being not only Westernized populations but certain classes within these societies. Today the Internet is available to over one billion people around the world and has provided a more inclusive environment for communication; rich, poor, educated and uneducated.

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