Monday, March 30, 2009

My Intentions

Social Activism can be defined as " a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue". While activism has been a reality for billions of people around the world, my specific intention with this Blog is to engage with several key movements that have been shaped by the media-scape of their time. My timeline will clearly depict the progression of activism as it has been influenced by media, especially that of citizen media through the Internet in more recent years.

The Vietnam Protests was forced to rely on corporatized avenues of media, while today activists are able to govern their own means of communication and publicity through their access to the Internet. I will be exploring how this reorganization of the Internet has reshaped, empowered and disempowered activism simultaneously.
I would like this Blog to track the changing qualities of the activist; plotting their succinct growth with that of technology.

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